Need a letter of appreciation? Need an exercise to help with sensory issues? Are you taking care of YOU? This is your one-stop-shop! Check back often, I'll add new stuff as I can.
Documet Starter Templates
One of the most important parts of being an "Autism Momma," parent, or caregiver, is communicating your child’s needs well. Professional communication makes it easier for you to be heard. Here’s where I come in. . .
Why should you look here? It's free, and I offer 20 years of experience creating documents and training—and over 12 years of being a mom of my “Autism Kid.”
Templates to Modify and Print
Parents of kids with special needs spend a lot of time writing letters, taking notes, and communicating with professionals.
This useful document cache allows you to access Microsoft® Word document templates that you type in to create your own document.
Do you need to write an IEP request letter? Communicate with a new teacher? Or maybe take notes at a doctor visit.
Downloadable MS Word documents are here for you.
Click here for checklists you can easily modify and print for your child. Yes, these work. Organizing steps to even the smallest daily tasks often offers major pay backs you and for them.
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At-Home Exercises
We all need ways to help our kids at home. Here you will find directions for exercises and video exercises—organized in these categories:
Behavior, sensory, health, social skills, and time management
Care For You
And what happens to your kids if you burn yourself out? Exactly, they don't get the help they need from you. You need to secure your own oxygen mask before helping others. Get ideas here.