My meandering road through life includes three hilarious little boys. My oldest son has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, autism, PDD-NOS--you can research at The Autism Society).
I'm all about finding solutions that work--and when I say "work" I mean specifically, "Behavior shaping ideas that keep his anxiety down to a reasonable level." I'm about putting energy into the positive instead of focusing on the negative. I don't pretend to understand what other people go through when managing autism, and I know other people don't really understand what I go through; and that's okay. Let's work together to share what works for you.
Over the years I've picked and pulled from varied resources. I've worked hard to have a close relationship with my son.
When I'm not creating training programs or chasing kids and dogs, I like to write. I have a B.A. in Management and English. I offer many years of experience creating documents and training—and over 15 years of being a mom of my “Autism Kid.”
I must emphasize my love and gratitude for my other two boys. They are wonderful little men with distinct personalities, and they are inseparable in my heart. I also have two darling step-daughters who make our family complete. Together the five of them encompass my joy.
Hopefully, you will gain some understanding and ideas for the many families and caregivers who struggle daily with exceptional children.
His birth biography is an amazing story. Click here to watch my PPT scrapbook:
If you'd like to know more about me, personally (oh, I know you do. . .), visit my blog entry about. . .well. . .me: About the Author
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